Organizing and processing billiards competitions is a complex job. Various schedules must be drawn up. And once matches have been played, a time-consuming process begins: the processing and distribution of the results. First on paper, and later preferably separately on the internet. Planning matches, calculating points and new averages and compiling the rankings also requires a lot of time and calculations.You can choose from the necessary computer programs to manage your competitions. However, these have quite a few disadvantages. This includes maintenance on your computer, publication of results, backups, etc. Billiard Score takes those worries off your hands. The entire application is in the cloud: available anytime and anywhere, no hassle with maintenance and easy to share with your members. All you need is your web browser. So that you are easily able to maintain your competitions. To create and maintain schedules, results and standings for our sport.Billiards scoring can be used by all types of clubs. Whether you play a small mutual competition with friends, play team competitions with multiple classes as a billiards association, or as an association play team competitions and also organize personal championships with a number of separate events per year: it is all possible. And all from one overview screen.